This winter, our members and supporters have been out tree planting, taking part in practical action to compliment our campaigning.

Cynthia, who organised the two main events, told us “Meetings are interesting, but sometimes we need to do something practical. We know that tree planting is important, so we thought – let’s just do it!”
Stuart added “We have planted several hundred trees this season, which over their life time will take in about a tonne each of carbon from the air. More importantly, they will provide essential wildlife habitats, helping to secure all sorts of species in the soil, on the ground and in the air.”
Stuart went on “Wildlife is under threat from human activity. Every bit we do to provide haven for plants, and the insects that they feed, helps secure the nature that we depend on. We have evidence that insect life is collapsing, and with it nature’s ability to sustain itself. We have to do our bit to help reverse these risks.”
If you would like to join us for practical action, sign up to our mailing list using the form at the bottom of the page. We have lots of ideas – we just need more people to help deliver them!