With Banners Held High – Global Climate Justice: union solidarity with the global majority
In  Yorkshire we fully understand how vulnerable communities have the most to lose, we faced this as livelihoods were lost as Coal mines were rapidly closed, without protection for future livelihoods.  Now we face some of the worst effects with flooding and sea level rise. Yorkshire shares this with Communities around the world in the Global South whether on islands and coastal regions watching tides as Sea levels rise or  Amazon peoples facing forest fires as their homelands are taken. We are all vulnerable  to the consequences of Climate Change,    yet the wealthy escape and  can profit from the transition, leaving  others with Loss and Damage.
At COP26 Loss and Damage,  began to be discussed but  how can it be addressed? And how can we force the pace to lower emissions internationally to keep within the Global target of no more than 1.5degrees rise. Â
Those who contributed least to climate breakdown are the ones who are suffering first and worst.
Register for this free online workshop here