Getting ready for COP26

September 9, 2021

This autumn sees us preparing for COP26 – the fortnight when the world’s governments descend on Glasgow to agree the next round of emissions cuts for their collective effort to stop runaway climate breakdown. Clearly these are hanging in the balance – the UK are presiding over this UN Conference, but at the same time are at best fudging airport expansion, a new coal mine in Cumbria and a new oil field off Shetland (Cambo). They have also just removed from the Australian trade deal, any requirement to meet their Paris climate commitments. This could go badly wrong!

We are busy in this run up to COP26. You can check out our events page to see what is going on, but here is a summary for you.

  1. Write to your MP to tell her or him that you are alarmed by climate breakdown, worried that the COP talks will fail to deliver what the world needs and that you want them to pressurise ministers to up the pressure. Full details on our COP26 page.
  2. Find us at Normanton Gala this weekend (11/12 September) where our Climate Action Station will be peopled with volunteers ready to listen, talk and answer questions.
  3. Great Big Green Week. This runs from September 18th to September 26th. It is a great opportunity for schools, community groups, churches, mosques, temples and more to take climate and nature actions, start climate conversations and raise awareness.
  4. Spanish Marchers. A group of Spanish XR members are marching to COP26 to raise awareness en route and create publicity about COP26. They will visit Wakefield on Friday October 15th for a lunchtime rally. We will have people marching with them – come into the city centre and join us, find out more and meet some like-minded people!
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